Looooooove this Jayne - and like Sue felt I was living this vicariously through you too. The idea of the geological layers of self is such a beautiful one, makes me start to wonder about my own. ❤️

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Thank you mi querida Kay ❤️And yes! We all have those layers... it can be awkward to run into these old version of ourselves, but in the case with my querido Pedro it's been fun too. I didn't put it in the post cus it didn't fit, but last year my sister was visiting me in Madrid and we were standing on the street outside a cinema waiting for someone, talking about Almodóvar's films and the effect they had on us. And just in that moment Almodóvar walked right past us! He was hosting a Q&A in the cinema we were outside of. How freaky is that?!

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Omg!!! How amazing. Were you all giddy & giggly?

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Yes! It was quite a cinematic moment in itself. We both clapped eyes on him at exactly the same moment. Stopped talking mid-sentence, grabbed at each other's arms, and just watched him in silence in as he exited the taxi, walked past our faces and into the cinema. Then we started shrieking 😂

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How incredible! I take it your sister is a fan too. What a great place to spot him

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Yes, very approps! My sister is a fan too, yes. But I think I'm a lot more obsessed 😍

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Hahaha. So lovely that you both love him & recognised him (I would have no clue) 😂

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Jun 5Liked by Jayne Marshall

That's lovely. Almodóvar is my favourite director. A genius. And Madrid - what a city!

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Hello Vincent! How cool that we found we we have this in common, he is my favourite director too and I'm forever telling people he is a genius! I'm glad you a Madrid fan as well, have you spent a lot of time here? 🙂

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Jun 5Liked by Jayne Marshall

I really haven't spent enough time in Madrid, which I must put right. I was there for a flying visit for the first time in ages a couple of years ago. But, aside from a quick visit to the Prado, I was mostly in Vallecas to watch Rayo Vallecano for a book about left-wing football clubs I was working on.

I will be passing through in a couple of weeks but again only briefly as I'm off to Toledo for a wedding. How did you end up there?

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Ohh, I wonder if you know a friend of mine, he is translating a book about left-wing football clubs (Spanish to English) and is always hanging out down Vallecas way! I'm sure you must know some of the same people... I ended up here cus I spent a weekend here in 2012 and fell in love with the city, came back in 2013 for a month, then in 2014 to live. I learnt Spanish at school too, so I guess it all began then really.

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Jun 5Liked by Jayne Marshall

That is a coincidence! No, I don't think I know him though. My book, The Roaring Red Front, was in English, though we did try to persuade our publisher to do a Spanish translation. Might well have run into some of the same people though. It's a place where strangers get talking. I can totally understand falling in love with Madrid. Great that you followed your desire and made it happen.

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Thank you 😊 It was more impulsive than brave I think hehe. Your book sounds great. I'll ask my friend if he knows it and if he doesn't, I will recommend it to him! This publisher might be worth checking out for a Spanish translation of The Roaring Red Front: https://www.librosdelko.com/collections/hooligans-ilustrados They have a whole series about "football as literature" called Hooligans Ilustrados.

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Jun 6Liked by Jayne Marshall

That looks fascinating. Thank you!

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Aw Jayne, this is really good. I love your honest look at memory and how it doesn't have to be precise (I am working on something related, will share). Your phrasing is unreal at time here (the other end of immigration). Also, so clever (or unintentionally artistic) how you talk about living in two worlds at once in many contexts (your housing estate/woods, drab classroom/imagined cafe, madrid/coventry). So well done!

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That was intentional haha, glad you picked on it and enjoyed it! Thank you so much for the lovely comments ❤️ I repurposed some of from the the manuscript I'm working on, so it's encouraging to know it hit home. Looking forward to reading your piece on memory!

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May 24Liked by Jayne Marshall

This is a beautiful read; I love how you have taken a little thread of your past and woven it into this present day piece. I really envisage that teenage gal sitting in her classroom - actually it's quite an inspiring tale. I'm not familiar with his films but shall add them to my watch list; I love a foreign language film. I did part of my Nurse training in Sweden and I think it harks back to that (even though there is not much call for phrases like "this is going to hurt a little" in the middle of of a film :)...... I'm off to add Almodóvar' to my little WhatsApp group to myself.

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Thank you so much, Pam! I think that feeling of living through or across worlds is in some ways universal, ie. doesn't really matter what country you are in, if you aren't from there, it's going to give you that exciting feeling you get from watching foreign films, as you say. My fave of Almodóvar's in 'Hable con ella' / 'Talk to Her'. If you watch it let me know what you think! And so cool you studied in Sweden!

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May 24Liked by Jayne Marshall

I remember watching Amores Perros with you when we lived on Whiteladies Rd. :)

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Awwww ❤️ You are a good friend!

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May 24Liked by Jayne Marshall

I watched Almodovar's films many years ago. His characters, locations, and dialogues are kind of mushed in my mind, but the feeling stayed strong. As you said, the women, even when kicked down, are strong and resolute and teach us that there is nothing that cannot be overcome. That's what I learned from his art. Many years later, I've decided to apply that to my life, far away from Madrid, in a much less interesting city in the North. Funny how things can affect us :)

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So happy to read this! So beautifully put, I feel exactly the same. It's funny how, I travelled south to Madrid and you travelled north to the Netherlands, but his films have had a similar effect on us. He really is genius, I think.

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What a lovely piece of writing, Jayne. I really enjoyed vicariously living your experiences!

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Thank you, Sue! That means so much ❤️ I really enjoy your writing too!

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